Thats not skating...........its falling with style

Hey im Beth,im 18 and studying theology in the ghetto of roehampton(innit blood), This blog is just my thoughts on life, love, my bloke, my monkey and my skateboard

Friday, October 13, 2006

When you hear the firebells chime

so it takes a lot to wake me up but even Beethovan (composer not the dog!) couldn't sleep through the ringing noise that has woken me up for the past 3 nights. You know when your just dropping off and suddenly theres a telephone ringing in your dream, then theres the harsh realisation that its the fire alarm again! So you trapes downstairs with your hair looking somewhat like a birdnest and its far to late to have a conversation with people so you pass each other off with a grunt. Then you stand there for around half an hour wishing you had put shoes on and then stomp back up the stairs.

The following morning: So there i was making bacon sandwiches and the kitchen was kinda steamer and i get a phone call, i will do a little roleplay for you:

brrr brrr (the telephone!)
Me: hello
Sercurity man:hello your fire alarm is about to go off, is your flat on fire.
Me: (taking a quick glance... nope all looks good) No theres no fire.
Sercurity Man: Well your gonna have to evacuate your block.
Then he hangs up

Now how am i suppose to evaquate the whole of my building? my kitchen wasnt on fire, was i meant to wack on people doors waking them up and explain to them to go outside because my kitchen was abit steamy?

At this point two screaming fire engines turn up outside my flat, now this is getting riduculas and my sandwich is getting cold. The conclusion to this story is that infact my flat was not on fire and never to make bacon again!

So this blog is to thank the fireservice for the expertise and skills without them i don't no where i would be.....well actually i do..........STILL ASLEEP EVERY NIGHT!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure you only did it so you could see the fireman in their kit - I know that's what your big sis would do! 8-}

1:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Kat said...

Roehampton firemen aren't all that buff! me n beth had 2 sneak past them we kno!!

6:56 AM PDT  

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