Last Sunday Simon, Kat, Judith and I went to Sutton corps, this was the first church i had been to since being at uni so it had been around a month. When we got there we were greated by huge yellow sofas and it felt a bit like i was funiture shopping!
Now i'm sure my dad was a bit of a stud back in the day but i really do not like to be told this. So when the officer (female) came and shook our hands and asked us where we were from i really wasn't expecting this reply.
Heres yet another role play...
Officer- welcome, its lovely to see you (all officer jargon, bla, bla, bla)where are you from?
Beth - I'm from Chelmsford
Officer - Oh i used to live in Chelmsford, i can't remember anyone really but i do remember someone but he's probably moved away or something,you wouldn't know him.
Beth - Oh really whats his name?
Officer - Well he was my old kissing partner, his name was Adrain Hampel he had lovely dark hair!!
Now for anyone who does not know, the stud named Adrian Hampel is my father and since then i've lost all respect for him!
So then quickly moving away from the officer due to the fact of my embarrasment the meeting started.
Some important parts to the i feel its the churches tradition that when they give to the Lord it is a very sombre occasion and should be done whilst contemplating upon your earthy riches. Now sutton did something entirly different, it was there alter service and instead of them walking up looking at thier feet they samba-ed up. Now this wasn't the young ones and some token oldies thrown in, this was the whole church all ages given abit of the cha cha slide and really enjoying thereselves! This really made me smile.
Another thing i really loved was their singing company of all ages just singing and smiling and just being happy when they sang. They wernt worrying about there uniform cause noone was wearing one, they weren't scared of losing eye contact with the leader and getting the evil look, they just looked so happy. There was a little girl on the back row just dancing and laughing this was something i absolutly loved.
To top of the meeting they finished of with the anthem of all athems -The way it's gonna be'. It was a really good meeting and i definatly see myself going again.