Thats not skating...........its falling with style

Hey im Beth,im 18 and studying theology in the ghetto of roehampton(innit blood), This blog is just my thoughts on life, love, my bloke, my monkey and my skateboard

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Its christmas eve, eve!!!!
Today i have set myself the task to make myself feel christmassy.... christmas for me definatly doesn't feel in two days time. the reason i think i feel like this is 3 fold. Number 1: since coming out of the band i have not done any carolloing . Number 2: i have not written any christmas cards and number 3: i have not been to any carol services this year....

So today i am going into town to pound land, buying the most tackiest decorations and gonna make my house look like Santa's grotto, my mum prefers the more sublte look but i'm gonna go all out, bring on the tinsel!!!

I am also going to be playing abit of Slade and the 'feed the world song'

bring it on!!!! i will feel christmassy!!!!

Friday, December 08, 2006

From a critical perspective

So its been a while since i've blogged, i have been feeling slighlty uninspired as nothing has happened that would be nearly interesting enough to write about. I was gonna fobb you off with another picture of my monkey, he has a new outfit but i think i'm gonna leave that to a later date!

Whilst living in Roehamton i have come into many new experiences. One being night clubbing... Now don't get me wrong i did try and go clubbing in Chelmsford but the baby face held me back so i was always home before Casulty on a Saturday night.
However now i have this nifty card to prove my age so now the worlds my oaster...

Main body of essay
So two days ago i did go clubbing and i was getting slightly bored of the famous two step,thats the limits of my dance steps so i thought i'd make so observations.

1) so you decide to go clubbing,starts about 11.30 but you cnt be too early else you will look to kean. by 10.30 you start to feel the tired.

2) now what you wear is obviously v important, so you spend sometime staring into your wardrobe.

3)its now about 11.25 and you must go , so you come runnig outside realsising yes it is december and your absolutly freezing but at least you look good???

4) you get to the club and you are made to stand outside, now why didnt i bring a coat, you just look freezing and you wish you were in the diesase ridden club where it is warm and no the red carpet outside does not make it anymore glamourous???

5) You walk in and are checked by these huge men, this is something i am not comfortable with.

6) So your in the club, you look around but you can only see the person infront of you. As other girls walk in you look them up and down to see what they are wearing and you realise you look excalty the same as everyone else just cold and uncomfortable, you should of worn a jumper and jeans then you would stand out from the crowd.

At clubs you always get the same characters.

7)the first being the people that use you as something to push off of whilst trying to get through the crowd so you then end up doing the famous elbows out dance to nudge them when the invade your space, it really shows them!

8)Then you get the guy that came on his own with the slicked back greasy hair drinking beer from the bottle and moving his head back and forth, just taking in the atmosphere.

9)Then you have the geeky guy from the course who clings to you.

10)Then theres the girls who you don't really like and they don't like you either but all of a sudden your there best friends... popularity is a big thing.

11) So then theres the 'sexy dancing' which i'm not commenting on.....

12) And towards the end of the night you have the falling on the floor trying to walk people, who have had a few too many, all that time trying to make yourself look good and you end up looking like that,why???

13) Finally you have the person who moves from group to group who know absolutly everyone stay in one group fool!

i feel i have expressed all my thoughts about this particular subject, i have tryed to not let my own personal opinion be too much involved however there is a lack of quotations and poor spelling is used, i know this will be reflected in my mark. Thankyou for reading .....

Bethany Hampel
Candiate number. 1067
Estimated word count. 400 words